I am looking into ways to boost my own testosterone levels naturally. So I thought I would share with you my findings. Over the forthcoming months I will be testing this myself, and I will report back.

The subject of illegal drug use in sport seems to be a bit of a hot topic right now brought particularly to the forefront with Lance Armstrong’s recent confession. The whole debate will continue for a long time that I am sure of.

In today’s blog I want to give you hope that there are ways you can boost your testosterone levels naturally, legally and also avoiding the horrific side effects associated with drug use. Let’s get started.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the testes which promotes the development of male sex characteristics and regulates male reproductive function. It is called the most powerful muscle building hormone because it does just that—builds muscle and strength fast.

Signs of low testosterone levels include low energy, muscle weakness and loss, depression, sexual dysfunction, brittle bones, and obesity.

Too much testosterone can convert into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) which can cause hair loss. It can also convert into estrogen which can cause water retention, increased fat storage, and gynecomastia in males more commonly known as ‘man boobs’. Too much estrogen can literally halt your muscle building efforts.

What are the side effects of illegal drugs?

Vomiting, nausea, water retention, liver damage, high blood pressure, irritability and anger issues are just some of the possible side effects of taking illegal anabolic steroids.

Other side effects include swelling of the arms, legs and face, the yellowing of your skin and eyes, acne, baldness, and excessive body hair growth.

Males can suffer from decreased sperm production, painful erections, shrinking of the testes and development of ‘man boobs’.

Women also experience specific side effects such as their voice deepening, facial hair, coarse skin, loss of breast tissue, manly looking physiques, male pattern baldness, and cessation of their menstrual cycle.

Natural Testosterone Boosting Tips

  1. Eat plenty of essential fatty acids, especially monounsaturated fats. These include natural peanut butter, flax seed oil, olive oil, and canola oil. Eating fish including salmon regularly can also help.
  2. Perform compound exercises like the squat, deadlifts and bench press and try to use heavy weight for lower reps of six to eight. These types of exercises and training methods have been shown to boost testosterone levels more than isolation methods. Studies show that this is the most effective way of boosting testosterone, as the stress that compound weights put on your body requires higher levels of testosterone to aid muscle repair than those required during workouts that isolate individual muscle groups.
  3. Stop alcohol intake – this kills testosterone production.
  4. Don’t eat too much protein – I know most weight trainers have been indoctrinated with the idea of eating huge amounts of protein, but research indicates that too much protein can lower testosterone levels. Eating in and around 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight is plenty.
  5. Reduce your body fat – excess body fat increases the production of the female sex hormone oestrogen, which can cause testosterone levels to dip.
  6. Eat nutritionally dense foods little and often – cutting your calorie intake when crash dieting is one of the worst things you can do. When you do this, your brain goes into starvation mode and shuts down testosterone production until the food scarcity is over. This is due to the fact that high levels of testosterone burn more fat fast. Your body requires a steady supply of calories in order to produce testosterone, so regularly skipping meals may cause levels to dip. Have three solid meals and two to three snacks throughout the day.
  7. Rest – studies have found that failure to allow your body to recuperate adequately between sessions can cause testosterone levels to plummet up to 30%. Make sure you are getting at least seven to eight hours sleep a night.

Natural Testosterone Boosting Supplements

  1. ZMA – this is a special combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 that has been found to boost testosterone levels naturally. Take the recommended dose 30-45 minutes before bed.
  2. Tribulus Terrestris – this is a herb and has been shown to boost testosterone levels naturally. Basically, it stimulates the leutinizing hormone (LH) production from the anterior pituitary gland, which in turn stimulates testosterone production. Taking 500-1000 mg about 30-45 minutes before bed or a workout can be beneficial.

Like anything in life it’s about ‘balance’. You can have too much or too little testosterone and both have pretty unpleasant side effects. Bare in mind as females it’s harder for us to gain muscle as we genetically have less testosterone than males. Trying to alter to an extreme your natural hormonal profile will have knock on effects. However, on the flip side we do need a little help as we lose muscles as we age. This results in loss of strength, muscle tone, a slower metabolism and weight gain.

Posted on: March 22nd, 2013