“The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might of the force of habit – and must understand that practices are what create habits. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him – and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires.” J Paul Getty

Are you on track to achieve your 2012 goals? Or are you spending more time thinking about them than actually achieving them? Focus helps you to weed out distractions so that you can achieve your goals faster, and more easily.

Now I’m a pretty determined person when I set my mind on something. But I’m not immune to focus-sapping distractions – and there are so many nowadays – including information overload ! So with that in mind, I’m going to make this short. Read on for my tips on maintaining focus, and read any of Jack Canfield’s books – – to find out more on this subject.

1. Plan what you’re going to do the night before

Without a plan, it’s too easy to end up responding to other people’s needs. If you plan the night before (be specific about timings) – you’ll have the added bonus of letting your brain work on your plan through the night. Seriously! Try it and see. Your subconscious may well come up with creative ideas and memories of things you’ve learned in the past that can help you.

2. Spend 5-10 minutes each morning focusing on your goals

At first it’ll feel strange, but soon it’ll become a habit – a very powerful one. Personally, I find visualization the most effective. It reminds me, very vividly, why what I’m doing today is important.  After I’ve visualized my ‘big’ goals, I then visualize my day going exactly the way I want it to: from getting a seat on the tube, to successfully handling a difficult phone call. It sets me up for the day and means that I deal with each situation with a positive attitude.

3. Be single-minded

You know when you have a tight deadline and you really have to be ruthless about weeding out time-sappers? Cultivate that attitude each day, all day. If a certain task isn’t going to move you towards your goals, then ditch it. DO NOT get distracted.

4. Take action

If there’s something you’re putting off, add an extra ‘D’ to the 4D prioritising method (dump it, delegate it, defer it or do it) and DEAL WITH IT! If you ‘defer’, don’t just ignore it: make sure you schedule it in. It can also really help to split something into smaller tasks so it becomes more manageable.

5. End your day on a positive note

Spend five minutes noting what you’ve achieved, and acknowledging how it’s taken you towards your goal – even if it’s only a small step. Tracking your progress is important. Each day, you’re one step nearer than the day before.

This little rhyme may help you remember what you’ve learnt today … “Success isn’t magic or hocus pocus. It’s simply learning how to focus.”

Posted on: September 7th, 2012